Friday, April 15, 2011

Countdown: 35 Days to Our Book Release!

Here are the top ten things I can’t wait for:

1) My discharge from the hospital (two weeks is too long).

2) The ability to eat real food again.

3) The next new Grey’s Anatomy episode.

4) Classes to end (and summer to start).

5) Being home and seeing my dog.

6) Holding the newly published Gutsy Generation book in my hands.

7) Seeing my CCFC friends at the Halifax HnW.

8) Going to yoga with my Mom.

9) Going to the beach with my ostomy.

10) The CCFC announcement that a cure has been found.

Okay, so the goals range from in a few days to pretty lofty, but they are nonetheless things that I can’t wait for. I believe that everything on my list will happen, the first nine in the next few months, item #10 in my lifetime. It’s hard to wait for the things we want the most, but sooner or later they will come to be.

Contrary to what our parents told us about being patient, the CCFC is saying something different: “Can’t wait? Don’t wait!” There are a few things you can do right this moment that you don’t have to wait for! Check out the CCFC’s ‘Can’t Wait’ list at , register (if you haven’t already done so) for the HnW at and enter for a chance to win a free copy of our book, ‘like’ our FB Pages ( & ), and countdown with us to our book release on World IBD Day (May 19th)!

Waiting has never been easier - we’re keeping you busy getting involved with the CCFC until all of our goals come true!

And, as promised, here is another teaser from our upcoming book: “The CCFC was a lifeline for me. It provided me with a network of other like-minded individuals who were going through the same things as I was. What’s really important when dealing with this disease is knowing that there are other people out there dealing with the same issues day in and day out and you aren’t alone.”

Hurry up and wait with us!!!

Jennie + YAC

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