Monday, May 21, 2012

In Awe

I made it! After three weeks spent in a theatre, some new friends and one performance later I am officially done my undergraduate degree! #thoughtitwouldneverhappen

In order to celebrate this wonderful occurrence and the Victoria Day long weekend my best friend, Megan, drove down to our house at school to visit me for a few days. We were lucky enough to have sunshine every single day and spent the weekend socializing with friends, catching up, hiking the stunning trails that the Niagara Region has to offer (they should be paying me to promote the region) and eating fantastic food.

Today, after a beautiful afternoon spent at the Niagara Glen soaking up the sun and hiking the Niagara River we worked up an appetite and decided to stop at Subway on the way home for some grub. As we sat at a table in the middle of the restaurant eating our subs, Megan looked at me and said, “Tay we have literally just hiked and ate this weekend – AWESOME!”

As I sit here on my couch writing this blog I have food in my belly, a fresh sun kissed glow on my shoulders and I am feeling profoundly happy - it’s that crazy ‘is this real life?’ kind of happy. It is just so unreal to me - a year ago having a weekend packed with hiking up waterfalls, down escarpments and eating delicious food would not have been possible, let alone so enjoyable.

I don’t have any profound quotes or cleverly worded sentences to sum up what I am feeling – other than I am in awe.

No colon and still rollin’ peeps!

Peace out and happy Victoria Day to all you Gutsy folk (and the non-gutsy ones too)!


From this....

... to this!!!!!

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